100th BLOG ENTRY!!! CLOON & "THE BABY" CELEBRATE AND REMINISCE ABOUT THEIR FAVORITE STORIES...Just back from Cabo, "The Baby" stops by Headquarters to visit Cloon and have a little tete-a-tete discussing their favorite blog stories from 2009.
Cloon: Welcome back little buddy! How was Me-hi-co?
"The Baby": Excellent! Most excellent! I was trying to recruit some new members for our club "B.A.A.D. (Born Awesome And Daring) and I was also having some plastic surgery done - they gots better deals down there...
Cloon: Well I must say you look years younger!
"The Baby": (in an Elvis tone of voice) Thank you. Thank you very much.
Cloon: Do you happens to know how much "bicep implants" cost down there? I'z thinking of getting some...
"The Baby": Cool! Well, I don't gots biceps at all or arms...for that matter...so I never checked into it...I was more concerned with face lifts and chemical peels and that sort of thing...You know, besides my feet, my face is my best asset.
Cloon: True enough. Well check it out for me when you're down there next, will ya? In the meantime, let's discuss the best blog stories of 2009, shall we?
"The Baby": One of my very favorites was "Stan - The World's Smallest Sheep" featured February 18, 2009. The little guy just kinda tugged on my heartstrings, you know...
Cloon: I know...He really wanted to live with us here at Headquarters, but the zoo wouldn't let him. The little guy woulda cost me lots in cerveza, though. One of my favorite blogs was "SRI GURU T.I.M." on February 28, 2009.
"The Baby": If I recall he disappeared into your kitchen when the Audience was meditating and ate a lot of your Num-Num stock...
Cloon: Uh, yes that is correct. But he did send some "third eye magic" my way for the "irregularities"... so the slate was wiped clean.
"The Baby": I was a big fan of "Babushka Cat Hot Dog Vendor" on March 13, 2009. That sauerkraut was "how you call it"...pretty powerful...
Cloon: I know. My Cousin from "Old Country". Blesses her little heart...I made lots of money on the "premises", if you know what I mean... Another blog that I likes is "Private Eye Von Ice Accepts Dream Job" on May 16, 2009. Those pocket gophers made a big mess of the Mobile Waxing Unit with their dirty feet but they did a great job digging my tunnels underneath Headquarters.
"The Baby": I really liked "Interwebs Romance on Plenty Of Birdies.com" featured on July 21, 2009. That "Seagull" is one interesting character! He has lots of chutzpah!
Cloon: Yep. Theese one was a good one! And let's not forget our crazy Starbucks escapade on August 9, 2009. You and I are very skilled at creating chaos...that's why we'z a good team. Well a big thank you to our Audience and Blog Followers for taking a trip down memory lane with us. Keep staying tuned in for more excellent stories and crazy antics. And do feel free to contribute to my Num-Num Fund, as one of my projects in the New Year is to start the only Australia Zoo in Canada...at my own Headquarters of course. And I needs the funds to brings those specialized animals over.