December 31, 2010

December 28, 2010
December 27, 2010

Mancat Monday - In Memory Of TIM - The Coon That Was "Main"

The Audience is abuzz with astonishment. Cloon pounds his little paw for "order in the court".
(The Audience is oohing and ahhing...)
1-800-TIM-GURU and receive the Boxing Day Special of 50% off my regular "Third Eye" energy healing rates. I also accept payment in Num-Nums.
December 25, 2010
Update: Clooney Claus Back On Track - Picked Up By NORAD

"Clooney Claus" Lost At The North Pole - Uh, Sorry About That!
December 24, 2010
December 23, 2010
Mancat Favorite Revealed

December 22, 2010
December 21, 2010

December 19, 2010
MANCAT MONDAY - "Get Your Mancat On"...

December 15, 2010
December 14, 2010

Hello there Audience. I'z laughing all the way to the bank...Theese morning in my tunnel, there appears...CASH. You know... moolah, cashola, dough, bread, bucks, (more specifically) canuck bucks. Theese equals lots of "cloons" ($3 combo of a toon & a loon) that's for sure! Theese amount =YEARS of Humans using the "premises", that's also for sure! I can't believes me eyes! The first thing I'z gonna do is put some of theese cash in my vault. Then, I'z going shopping for Num-Nums...and maybe some STRING toys...hmmm....
Join me each TUESDAY felines for other magical and mysterious appearances in my "tunnel".
(Cloon heads curbside to await his Driver for his shopping expedition...)
December 13, 2010
Psst...Pass The Blog Award On...Will Ya?

Felines, do you knows that there is BIZILLIONS (rhymes with VSquillions, a little "inside" joke) of theese felines who has blogs on the interwebs? Isn't theese excellent felines? We'z all in a great position to takes over the interwebs, which of course is great news...My Human & I is just at the tip of the iceberg for discovering theese blogs, reading them and making new friends. Some of theese blogs that we have seen have excellent photography, funny photoshop pictures, heart-warming stories, sad stories, funny and cute stories, funny, cute and mischievous characters, beautiful website/blog design, some are very professional, some more grass-roots, some are newer, some have been in the blogosphere for a while...What they have in common is a love for their felines, other people's felines and felines in general. Just as I said there are theese bizillions of blogs, there should be bizillions of awards given out as well. That being said, I won't give out bizillions because it would take too long and I has Clooneymobiles to produce. So I decided to copy the others and give out 3 Blog Awards. Without further adieu...
3) "DAISY the CURLY CAT"...(ok, did I surprise anyone out there?) I'm sure theese ones have been given BIZILLIONS of awards, uh...because they deserve it! But they hasn't been given an award from me "George Clooney" yet, so I figures they needs another award. Seriously. Theese blog makes me and my Human smile each time we read it, it is so well-done, we are in awe of it really...and Daisy and Harley, I mean they takes the cake with cuteness. Here is their link: http://daisythecurlycat.blogspot.com/
2) "THE MONKEYS"... Now theese ones probably has MANY MANY awards as well, but everyone could always use another award, don't ya think? Especially from a celebrity... Anyways, we luvs the look of their blog including their blog banner and their daily photographs. We also enjoy their stories. And let's face it... they are all such cute "Floofmeisters". I thinks they collectively takes the category in "floof". Here is their link: http://www.themonkeys.ca/
1) "GOROGORO & NIKONIKO"...Theese ones are a newer blog and I'z sure that they will be receiving Bizillions of awards in the future. Now I'z giving them the award because they looks like me and are my "evil twins". (Kidding! A little Cloon humor for ya there...) I mean I'z not kidding that they looks like me, because they do, but theese is not why I'z giving them the award. Theese ones are getting the award because honestly folks, they'z got it goin' on over there! They'z extremely clever and funny. They takes very cute photos and has cute stories and they knows how to photoshop, (ok...and they looks like me). Here is their link:

Cloon saunters back to his Secret Research Laboratory to file his "findings"...
December 10, 2010
T.G.I.F...Thank God I'm Feline!

Cloon: Hello there Audience. Joining me in-studio today for a T.G.I.F. interview is none other than Secretary Neytiri. I thoughts the Audience might want to learn more about theese little lady...Welcome Neytiri!
Neytiri: Thank you. Thank you very much.
Cloon: Is that a wee bit of an "Elvis" accent I detect?
Neytiri: It most certainly is. I've decided to study acting in my spare time so I'm trying to master as many accents as possible.
Cloon: Excellent! So tell us how you came to have the unique name of Neytiri...
Neytiri: Our Human loved the film Avatar so much that she decided that her next female feline would be named "Neytiri" after the leading character in this film. And I happened to be the next female feline...
Cloon: Uh, but you don't has blue skin or hair...
Neytiri: Uh, but I do have blue eyes...and you said that if I decide to get "blue hair plugs" you can hook me up with someone you know...
Cloon: Very true. "The Baby" has an excellent plastic surgeon in Cabo San Lucas.
Neytiri: Yes, well I'm saving up my pennies just in case I decide to go that route...
Cloon: So tell us, do you have similar characteristics to "Neytiri" in Avatar?
Neytiri: Well you know how that theory goes...when you are named after someone you tend to take on similar characteristics. So, yes. I'm quite fearless just like the character in the movie. For example, I'm not at all scared of vacuum cleaners. In fact, I really like appliances and equipment that make loud noises. I come out to explore whenever something "noisy" is happening. Secondly, I'm a very good climber, I like to climb curtains and carpeted surfaces up as high as I can go. Thirdly, I'm also part of a clan just like the movie character, mine just happens to be the "Ragdoll Clan" and hers is the Na'vi Clan. And finally, my best friend is "Ducky" who happens to be from the bird family just as Neytiri's best friend is a bird-like creature (an Ikran) in the movie.
Cloon: Excellent. For those interested Audience members, we did a previous post on Avatar and a review of the film. http://bit.ly/fVCFb8 Now, tell us about the above photo, what's going on there?
Neytiri: Well, I'm hanging out with my two carrots, which are also favorite toys of mine. One went missing and our Human looked all over the house and could not find it, so the second carrot came out from the "stash". After the fact, she finally found the first one which I had cleverly hidden in the pantry among various spices.
Cloon: Wow, that is very clever! Do you enjoy living at Headquarters?
Neytiri: I do indeed. You know we get really spoiled by our Human and all...And this is my very first Christmas, so I'm excited to see what "Clooney Claus" will bring me!
Cloon: Well there you have it folks... a bit more info about our "little lady".
In addition, something very exciting happened that we wants to share with our Audience...
Miss Kitty from "A Cats Golden Years" gave our blog a special award. You can read more about theese at Miss Kitty's blog: http://bit.ly/ejtzy9 Here is our Award:

December 7, 2010
December 6, 2010

(Cloon is SO excited that he is doing a moonwalk around Headquarters)
Hello there Audience. Now theese one is a GOOD one! I goes to my "tunnel" and I can't believe my eyes...There's a whole case of my favorite Num-Nums waiting there for me! Isn't theese spectacular, felines? A long time ago, I did a tutorial on Num-Nums called Num-Nums 101. Here is some key points from my tutorial:
Num-Nums is soft food that smells good and is used to supplement the feline diet of dry crunchies. Sometimes it is given in the morning and at night or just once in the day as a treat. It can come pate style like my favorite one or in chunks with gravy in it. Most felines get quite excited about their Num-Nums and wait in anticipation of the special feeding times. Some do silent meows. Some even get quite crazy. I'm one of theese crazy ones. I run around like a madman in the wee hours of the morn at any hint of tossing and turning from my Human. I've been known to adjust pictures on the wall, knock any apparatus available off shelves or night tables, tug hair from the roots and, of course as a last resort, bite noses just to be given the special stuff. I always need to ensure I have a steady supply of Num-Nums so I takes a regular inventory of the stock in the cupboard. (For a small fee, I can teach any interested felines out there my stock-taking method and system.) I do odd jobs for extra Num-Num money and I own the toilets at Headquarters so any Human must deposit a toon to use the premises. However, in theese hard economic times, I'z raised my prices to a "cloon" which is $3 (a loon & a toon). Uh, sorry about that...
Join me each TUESDAY felines for other magical and mysterious appearances in my "tunnel".
December 1, 2010
November 30, 2010

Join me each TUESDAY felines for other magical and mysterious appearances in my "tunnel".
November 26, 2010
T.G.I.F....Thank God I'm Feline!

OK Felines, gather 'round and listen real closely, will ya? I'z got an interesting story to tell...Once upon a time, I was awarded a "Key To The City" for my heroic rescue of "The Baby" and his return to Mr. L. To refresh your memory or read theese story for the first time, please see theese previous post: http://bit.ly/a7x2f3 The other night, in the wee hours of the morn, I finds myself quite bored. So I decides to takes my "key", go outside, take a little walk around the driveway and see if I can again try my "paw" at finding what the key belongs to. Now theese "key" is very fancy. It is on my "Team Edward" keychain (because we'z all about "Edward" at Headquarters). Anyways, back to the "key". It has all theese different buttons on it. So I starts pressin' all theese buttons, aiming it in the direction of various vehicles in the driveway....Well, lo and behold, one of the vehicles starts honking and lighting up and I realize that all theese time, I had in my possessions the "key" to my Human's vehicle. So, I gets in the vehicle, puts myself behind the wheel, puts the "key" in the ignition and viola! Theese vehicle starts "purring" and off I go...driving around aimlessly, ignoring high gas prices. In fact, Felines I drives around in circles all night till I tucker myself out. Then I parks my Human's vehicle back exactly where I found it, press theese buttons on the fancy "key" again, locks it up and goes back inside to have a snooze in my "couch" (see above photo). And that's all folks...How's your day goin'? T.G.I.F!
November 24, 2010
November 23, 2010

Hello there Audience! A very, very mysterious phenomenon has been taking place at Headquarters...it involves my cat tunnel...Periodically, objects appear in my cat tunnel from the great beyond. Now theese are not just ANY objects...theese are objects that I have secretly been wishing for. Previous objects that have appeared in my tunnel are a Blackberry, which I needed to conduct my Clooneymobile business, and KFC, which I loves and needed for the irregularities...wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more? Because theese appearances are as mysterious as the Virgin Mary appearing on toast or grilled cheese sandwiches, I have decided to share them with the public at large.
Join me each TUESDAY felines for other magical and mysterious appearances in my "tunnel".
November 17, 2010
November 6, 2010
Bedazzle Me!

Neytiri: I'm so proud of him! "Ducky" is in the top percentile of our employees!
Cloon: Wow, great job! What other things can customers have bedazzled?
Neytiri: Well, we also have something going called "Pimp My Suitcase" where we bedazzle rhinestones onto luggage and put fancy new little "mags" on, as well. Customers can read about all the details on a previous post of ours at http://bit.ly/d7vxr0 .
Cloon: Well done Secretary Neytiri! So what is on the agenda for the rest of this weekend?
Neytiri: This afternoon we are having a little graduation ceremony whereby "Ducky" will be awarded the "Clooney Credit Canada Employee Bootcamp" certificate for completing this most stringent certification process.
Cloon: Excellent! Now in one of theese photos above, you have your paw raised above the "little guy". What is going on there?
Neytiri: I was about to "bat the little guy around" a bit. This Bootcamp has been a lot of hard work and a very serious process so I was going to lighten things up a little...
Cloon: Sounds good. Well there you have it folks...it's a wrap. Customers can now be assured that the services we provide are top-notch and our Employees have the best skills and training possible. Now that we're done with theese "serious" stuff, let's turn up the music and PAR-TAY!
November 5, 2010