Hello there Audience! Thanks for joining me for another "Tunnel Tuesday"...OK, theese one is excellent! I arrives at my "tunnel" early this morning...(It's just like Christmas morning, checking to see what "Clooney Claus" has left for ya in your stockin' and under your tree.)
and, lo and behold, there's CATNIP in my "tunnel". Now theese is not just ANY catnip, theese one is a good one! It is a "potent" blend, grown in Canada, it's KOOKY (like me) and it is endorsed by a feline who looks like me (in fact he might be another "twin" of mine). Now the best part of theese catnip is that it is stalkless, which means it is a finer blend and easier for us felines to eat because the sticks and stalks have been taken out. I says, "Sticks and stalks can breaks me bones, but "nip" can never hurt me"...Uh, that was a bit of my "beat poetry" folks!
Anyways, as you can see from the above photos, my Secretary Neytiri tried to muscle in on my "nip" territory and I wasn't appreciating it. I hads to give her a bit of a "love bite" to keeps her in check. I knows theese might be a "shocking revelation" to my public, but I don't likes to share...
In closing I says, "Without my catnip, mornings is impossible"...
Join me each TUESDAY felines for other magical and mysterious appearances in my "tunnel".
Join me each TUESDAY felines for other magical and mysterious appearances in my "tunnel".