What follows is a Messenger conversation intercepted by the Interwebs Security Division of Clooney Credit Canada (AKA Cloon)...
Hummingbird ("Girlfriend's Messenger Handle): Oh, dear...I'm rather inexperienced at this...
Seagull (Handle of Mysterious Feline): Don't worry Kitten, I'll take you under my paw...
Hummingbird: Well, on your profile, you said you really liked birdies... Is this true?
Seagull: Absolutely! I likes to sit real still likes a statue and observes them...
Hummingbird: Wow, I've never given that a try... Do you make that "special noise" when you observe them?
Seagull: Well, when I'm in statue position, I only does the "silent meows"...But if I'm just doing a regular observation, I makes the "special noise"...
Hummingbird: Wow, that's fascinating! Do you have lots of windows to observe birdies from?
Seagull: I do in fact. It's a bird-lover's paradise over here... So, what are you wearing right now?
Hummingbird: Oh, dear, I'm not entirely comfortable with that question... Well, my fur coat, I guess...
Seagull: I live for num-nums. Do you have num-nums at your house?
Hummingbird: Yes, we do but I prefer the tuna. If my Human uses a can-opener on anything and I hear that air escaping the can, I come out of hiding...
Seagull: I gots an allergy to tuna. Do you have any kibbles in your bowl right now?
Hummingbird: Yes, I do. We have "free feed" over here at my house.
Seagull: Really? Is that a fact?... I thinks you may be my
soul-mate...When can I move in?
Hummingbird: Oh, dear...we just met...I think we're moving too fast...
Seagull: Come on kitten, live a little, will ya? All we have is today...
Hummingbird: Well, can you send me a better picture of yourself first, that one is a little dark...
Seagull: That's what you get from canine photographers...they'z not very skilled at using the right settings...Ok, I'll see what I can do here...Bye for now, my little Kitten...
Hummingbird: Bye Seagull...