Hello my fine little Budgies! I apologize for my absence from the Blog this past week. I have been in the depths of my Laboratory conducting very important research. Audience you may remember that we were planning to adopt a Yak from Tibet with the proceeds from our garage sale. I suffered a big disappointment when I found out that the Yak would not be able to come live with us at Clooney Credit Canada. Instead we would have our name displayed on a plaque for our sponsorship of the Yak. Immediately, I started conducting my research. I have compiled data, charted it, graphed it, applied algorithms etc. etc. "Girlfriend" then typed up a formal report and made a PowerPoint presentation for our "Human" on... Budgies... That's right folks, I have money saved in the Num-Num Fund to purchase a Budgie but I need my "Human's" consent. Theese Budgie costs $9.95. I need some extra entertainment and stimulation so I says to myself that theese Budgie would be the perfect solution. I plan to teach theese Budgie to talk and say things like "Num-Nums" and "Clooney Credit Canada". I plan on adopting a blue one as I loves blue birdies and I hear theese ones are the most intelligent of the Budgies. I have purchased the sign in the above photo in preparation. It is in the spirit of "if you build it, they will come".
I would like your support Audience for adopting theese Budgie. Alls I needs you to do is to sign the petition that "Girlfriend" has circulated on the interwebs. I plan on presenting the signatures of support for adopting the Budgie to my "Human" as extra bargaining power. Wish me luck folks. I'll keep you posted...