Remember my fortune cookie from yesterday? Well, it already worked! I have a date for New Year's Eve...actually two dates in one!
I will be escorting the lovely sisters Giulietta and Fiona from The Cat On My Head to a very special party that Nellie is throwing for New Year's Eve. Nellie's Mommy dressed the three of us in our sparkly party wear...
Many moons ago, I asked Marg if Neytiri and I could be an honorary Auntie and Uncle for Joe and Smoke because, as everyone else out there, we adored theese sweet little donkeys so much...
Well, sweet Joe was injured this past week and Nellie's New Year's Eve Party is a Blog-a-thon fundraiser for Marg’s animals and Brian's Home also has made a fundraiser for Joe here.
We wish Joe the speediest of recoveries...
We wish Joe the speediest of recoveries...
So, I am heading over to Nellie's party with my lovely dates, make sure to stop by later when the party is in full swing and leave a comment for Joe...

For those who purrfer a quieter atmosphere to bring in the New Year, our Cat Cafe will be open 24 hours and Neytiri will be brewing the good stuff!
We wish you a very Happy New Year!
We appreciate your furriendship and wish you a 2015 that sparkles with magic and is filled with love and possibility...