Cloon: Hello there my friend. It's been a long while since we've spoken. How are ya little fella?
Stan: Muy bien, gracias!
Cloon: So I understand that you were in attendance at some Groundhog Day festivities. Can you share with the Audience what happened?
Stan: Claro que si. I attended the pancake breakfast this morning and awaited the weather prediction of "Balzac Billy" a local groundhog.
Cloon: The suspense is killing me! What did theese one have to say?
Stan: Well, "Balzac Billy", also known as the Prairie Prognosticator, emerged from his burrow and did not see his shadow. The crowd was overjoyed with this news as this means there will be an early spring.
Cloon: Excellent, excellent. How would you rate the pancakes?
Stan: No se. I only eat leaves.
Cloon: Right... washed down with a little cerveza...huh, little buddy.
Stan: Eso es correcto.
Cloon: Now, what about "Punxsutawney Phil" the famous American groundhog from Pennsylvania? What did he predict today?
Stan: Well, he did see his shadow this morning, thus forecasting 6 more weeks of winter.
Cloon: I guess it sucks to live out East doesn't it? I read on the interwebs that they feed "Punxsutawney Phil" dog food, so maybe the little guy's a bit confused...
Stan: Es posible.
Cloon: Did you ever see the movie "Groundhog Day", little buddy? Theese one is really funny...
Cloon: Did you ever see the movie "Groundhog Day", little buddy? Theese one is really funny...
Stan: (Puzzled look on his face...)
Cloon: Just messing with you man! Thank you for joining us today with all the insider information.
For a small donation to the Num-Num Fund, Stan is available, this evening, as a "practice buddy" for beginners Spanish. There are limited spots, so act quickly to avoid disappointment...
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