What follows is an account of the situation from Customer X (Wishing to remain Anonymous):
"Well, it was a nice sunny day and I decided to head over to my local Starbucks to relax, read the paper and have a good coffee. I walked in and approached the counter, knowing exactly what I wanted to order. I stood there unattended as 3 Baristas with their headsets on scurried about in a frantic manner. Five minutes went by before I was even acknowledged. Then, as a side thought, one of the Baristas took my order for a Vanilla Latte and that's when the chaos really began... I got caught in the middle of one of those 50 drink drive-thru dealies...I glanced over to the drive-thru window and happened to see 'a gray Cat' at the wheel of a blue 4x4 with an orange dog toy with horns on the dashboard...it was then that I knew I was in trouble... and in for an enormous wait for my beverage...Not only did the Cat order 50 beverages...they were all complex specialty drinks with half this and half that...Apparently, there was some sort of special function that they were taking these beverages to, I overheard one of the Baristas say. Not only that, but that Cat had "The Macarena" blaring from the car stereo and that orange toy was yelling "Andale, Andale, Arriba, Arriba!" which apparently translates to Come on! Hurry Up! Can you imagine? The nerve of some customers! So there went my peaceful afternoon at Starbucks...I abandoned my Latte after a half hour wait and left...just as that Cat spun his wheels leaving the drive-thru"...
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