February 6, 2012


Well hello there felines.  So I goes to my tunnel in the wee hours of the morn...and my tunnel is still on strike!  So I am continuing on with my therapy program for cheering up my tunnel.  I built my tunnel a Snowman!  Isn't that exciting felines!  I put some of that snow we got to good use. Now it was lots of fun to build a snowman for sure!  You can see that I am admiring my handiwork in the above photo.  If anyone out there needs any "snowman" pointers, just let me know.  I really hope that this does cheer my tunnel up!

Join me next TUESDAY felines as I continue my therapy program for cheering up my tunnel and getting it off strike and working again.


  1. I would have never thought of building the tunnel a snowman! That was pretty original, Clooney!

  2. You did a wonderful job! I didn't even know tunnels liked snowmen! I hope it works!

  3. Oh TUNNEL! What more could you possibly need that that adorable little snowman?!?! Now, back to work!

  4. Hmmm, hope my tunnel doesn't expect a snowman now cuz M said it would get the carpeting all wet. he he

  5. Cloon we think your snowman ROCKS, but your tunnel is a tough customer. We hope it helps!!!!

  6. Clooney, we don't see how your snowman can miss. It sure made us smile :)

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

  7. Cloon, you are too cute looking at that snowman. That sure is a funny thing to find in the house. Wouldn't it be fun to find Joe in the house one day? That sure is a good looking snowman. Now, darn it all, all tunnels are going to expect snowmen. Have a terrific Tues.

  8. I think your little snowman is adorable! He should cheer up your Tuesday tunnel for sure!

  9. We thinks you might better start "tunnel negotiations" soon! Great snowman!

  10. Oh Mr. Clooney, your snowman is adorable!! I love the little hat! It sure made me feel cheerful. I hope it works for your tunnel, too!!

  11. Come on tunnel, we all want you back to work!

  12. Cloon, you are priceless!! Is that snowman a picket for the striking tunnel?

  13. That snowy snowman cheered us up! What a sweet little guy.
    Hey Tunnel, cheer up, will ya?

  14. You know sweet Clooney if you keep doing all those cool things to try to cheer up your tunnel it may never work again. It will stay on strike so it can keep seeing all those fantastic things you are bringing to it. That snowman is adorable you did a mighty fine job building him. Hugs and nose kisses

  15. If that freakishly sweet snowman doesn't melt that cold , striking tunnel's heart... we don't know what will! I mean look at those smiley shaker thingies.Come on Tunnel!

    the critters in The Cottage xo

  16. Dear Clooney,
    Has yous thoughts about getting your tunnel another tunnel to be friends with? Yous has been trying so hard to make its happy...

  17. Your tunnel is being very stubborn, Clooney!

  18. Maybe you should just fire it and hire a new tunnel! I have one I'm not using I could loan you.

  19. Now see, I was thinking based on the snowman that the Tunnel was off strike cos maybe it meant that he-double chopsticks had frozen over!

    Ms. Stella O'Houligan

  20. Well...if I was a tunnel on strike, that snowman would cheer me up! MOL.

  21. We thinks we would like a tuna flavored snowman, nom nom nom!


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