January 16, 2012


TUNNEL TUESDAY: 1st Attempt - Chicken Noodle Soup

Well hello there felines.  I goes to my "tunnel" in the wee hours of the morn...and what do I find?   The picket sign is still up and my tunnel is still on strike!  So I thinks to myself, "What if my tunnel is feeling under the weather?"  I then decides that the best thing for me to do is to make my tunnel some Chicken Noodle Soup

Here I am checking out the temperature of the soup, making sure it is not too hot and that it tastes good.  It passes my inspection and is quite tasty. 

Then I takes a seat to observe what will happen...

Join me next TUESDAY felines to see if my magic tunnel is up and running again.


  1. Sweet Clooney we have heard that chicken soup cures all ails so hopefully it cures strikes too and your tunnel will be back in business very soon. You sure are a handsome soup taster. Hugs and nose kisses

  2. We can't believe the tunnel is still on strike! If chicken soup doesn't work, you may haf to storm the picket line!

  3. Hmmm... if I were a striking tunnel, I don't know if I would be appeased by chicken soup. You had better let me have that soup, Cloon!

  4. Did you taste the soup a few times to make sure it's really good? You might have to taste it some more to coax the striking tunnel.

  5. That chicken noodle soup looks really nom. That tunnel must have a, uh, frame of steel to resist it. Wait a minute...it DOES have a frame of steel! Think you'll have to try something else, Clooney...

  6. I didn't know your tunnel can give you a kind of food !
    How about we start to write our own menu, and send to the tunnel...A kind of request..tee..heh

  7. I hope the chicken soup will work!

  8. Chicken soup is very good when one is under the weather....so is nip!!!

  9. I do hope that your soup does the trick, that you tunnel recovers and that you're back in Tunnel Tuesday business before too long.

    Have a great day.

    pawhugs, Max

  10. We certainly hope that does the trick, Clooney. But you know, sometimes unionized workers can be very difficult and demanding! :-P

  11. It's worth a shot, Clooney. But if that fails try an AK47 :)

  12. Clooney you think of everything! We think the chicken soup will work like a charm!! If not..you could always try raising Tunnel's salary.Money talks...but it don't sing and dance and it don't...:p

    the critters in The Cottage xo

  13. Hopefully it's just a bad case of tunnel vision Cloon!!!

  14. Dearest Clooney,
    Me is so sad that your tunnel is on strike! Do tunnels like soup? Me has never seen ours eat soup.

  15. Cloon, you just have to go on in and occupy that tunnel. Are the tunnel police gonna give you a beat down or something? I don't think so. I don't think strikes are legal in bridges and tunnel or public employees.

  16. Oh, no, your tunnel is still on strike!! I hope the chicken noodle soup works on it...and hopefully it will come back next week!!

  17. Well, if the tunnel doesn't want that chicken soup, at least you'll have something to eat, Clooney!

    BTW, your namesake looked awesome at the Golden Globes the other night...at least that's what our mom said.

  18. Good thinking, Cloon. Chicken soup can cure many illnesses. But we're not sure about tunnel syndrome.

  19. I hope the Chicken soup does the trick. We need tunnel back. We will send the donkeys over for another good donkey kick.Take care.

  20. We hope the tunnel liked the chicken soup! We has a tunnel like yours too! We think our tunnel doesn't like soup! We worry maybe our tunnel will go on strike. We hopes your tunnel is going to be a good tunnel soon! Maybe you just need to let your tunnel know your the big boss!!

  21. You ares a very smart kitty Clooney. Chicken soup is very gud when tunnels strikes. But me is sure me would has eatted it all afore the tunnel could even gets a wiff. You is a better kitty then me, mine furend.

    Me not can waits til next toosday!


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