Cloon: Hello Pierre! I finds myself a wee bit jealous of your beach view. But I do has some good squirrel watching, I guess.
Pierre: G'day Mate! Yes, I must admit that I have enjoyed the rays and the beautiful scenery.
But alas I must return to Canada...
Cloon: Well just in time mon ami...As "poutine" has been trending on the interwebs. What say you about this?
Pierre: Well to quote you, "this is excellent, most excellent".
Cloon: I has a big surprise for you!
Pierre: Did you get me declared a famous "cowboy"?
Cloon: I'm still working on that one...uh, sorry about that. But theese surprise is a good one, trust me on theese one.
Pierre: Ok, I can't take the suspense any longer...
Cloon: I used my celebrity status to get you into the World's First Poutine-Eating Contest in Toronto.
Pierre: C'est formidable!
Cloon: You will be one of three Canadian amateurs battling for the title of champion.
Pierre: Who are you calling an amateur?
Cloon: Well I couldn't gets you into the "professional" category because they'z only accepting eating professionals from the United States. But I think you can takes it in the amateur category.
Pierre: Bien sur!
Cloon: So I'd like you to start with getting the "visualizations" going. Think about eating as much poutine as possible within 10 minutes.
Pierre: Will do Cloon, will do.
Cloon: Audience, send Pierre Du Port some good vibes for winning, will ya?