PIERRE DU PORT RECRUITS KANGAROOS FOR CLOON'S AUSTRALIA ZOO IN CANADA Cloon: Joining me via skype once again is Pierre Du Port with some very exciting news folks. G'Day Pierre!
Pierre: Bonjour Cloon!
Cloon: We can't keep the Audience in suspense any longer. Go ahead Pierre tell them the most excellent news...
Pierre: I was taken on a kangaroo scouting trip to Merry Beach and I came upon this mob of 'roos shown above.
Cloon: Continue...
Pierre: Well, I was able to approach them quite closely as I am a dog toy after all and non-threatening. So, I gets real close and starts talking to them, making casual conversation, asking them how their day was going, what the weather had been like etc. etc. They were very taken with my accent and wanted to know where I was from. So I started to talk up Canada, the sirop d'erable, poutine, white Christmases, snowboarding at Whistler. I had them at snowboarding.
Cloon: Uh, Whistler is quite a distance from Clooney Credit Canada...
Pierre: Uh, sorry about that. You'll have to take them for a yearly trip.
Cloon: So what did they say about num-nums and moving to Canada permanently?
Pierre: Well, I really built you up Cloon. They are very interested in being associated with someone of your calibre. They said num-nums sound good because they're tired of cheerios. And of course when they found out they will be the only kangaroos in Canada, it was a done deal. They are quite excited about the celebrity status they will receive.
Cloon: So did they all sign the contract?
Pierre: They did indeed. Have Mr. L start working on the immigration papers.
Cloon: Excellent job Pierre! I'll see if the Secretary will give you a raise.
Pierre: Uh, that's me Cloon.
Cloon: Oh right, I forgot about that. So, are you willing to give yourself a raise then?
Pierre: Indeed Cloon, indeed...