February 29, 2020


Hello there Audience, it's me Cloon here on this most auspicious day of February 29 to take you on a magical leap back into the month of February to catch you up on what transpired here at Headquarters...

At the beginning of the month, Neytiri and I were awakened from our snooze-a-palooza by some whistlin' in the distance...

We were surprised to find Varmit the Marmot surfacing and trying to get our attention at o-dark-thirty.   It just so happened to be Groundhog Day and since he had been on strike for the last two years from his Annual Groundhog Day Report and his 5 year Groundhog contract was up for renewal, we weren't sure what his angle was. 

As it turns out, he had been spying on Neytiri baking up a storm in preparation for our Oscars party and demanded some cupcakes in order to deliver this year's Groundhog Day Report.  Once he had sampled a few, he announced his early Spring prediction for British Columbia!  Varmit was not alone in his early Spring Prediction...as you already know, famous Groundhogs
Punxsutawney Phil and Wiarton Willie DID NOT see their shadows and predicted an early Spring for Pennsylvania and Ontario!
Unfortunately, Nova Scotia’s Shubenacadie Sam DID see his shadow and predicted 6 more weeks of winter for Eastern Canada. 

Taking us a bit later into the month, I hosted our Oscars review right from my brand new office chair wearing my office caj.  (*Note how my interior decorator chose to compliment my furs*)
Getting right underway...here was my presentation of Best Motion Picture...

In the Best Motion Picture Category...the 3 Nominees:

1) Joker

This motion picture features a failed stand-up comedian duck whose descent into mini-mugs of ale have gotten him into trouble, trouble and more trouble.

2) Once Upon A Time In Hollywood Clooneyland

 The film follows the celebricat George Clooney and his stunt double Mini-Cloon, as they navigate the crazy world of magic cat tunnels, marmots, maracas and the ever-changing schemes for Num-Nums and dinero. 

 3) Parasite

This motion picture follows a free-rider/hanger-on who infiltrates the Headquarters of a CEO, charming his way in through flattery and false qualifications and exploiting the hospitality of his host.

And the Oscar goes to...

And we wrap up our month by joining the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop
with our furriends at The Cat On My Head.